Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I suppose my question is:  What good do my thoughts do?  As in my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families of the "Boston Massacre".  I do pray to my God for the victims; the families of those who have lost loved ones; the many who were traumatized by this terrorist action on an event which epitomizes human achievement, but how do my THOUGHTS or those of anyone else do any good?  I am assuming that when the word thought is used , it is a liberal's way of stating prayer, without actually using that word, because he does not, in his pride, want to acknowledge the presence of an Almighty God.  
Personally, I believe that until we, as a nation, acknowledge God, these kinds of actions will continue to be perpetrated on us.  We have drifted so far from the God of the Bible, that without Divine intervention, we will not return. 
The burning question seems to now be, what do we tell the children?  We cannot tell them that man is basically evil-that all mankind has a sin nature .  We cannot tell the children that mankind is unregenerate, that man will think and act on the evil which is in his heart-and most men(and women) are unsaved.  The Bible states that the way is broad and the path is wide that leads to death, and many are those who find it....and the path is strait and the way is narrow that leads to life and few there be who go therein.(not a verbatim quote)  
So we stick our heads in the sand; say there are just a few bad apples out there.  If we incarcerate them, everything will be all right.  But the Bible tells us to get the murderer out of our midst-to kill him, not put him in prison.  I would hope that we find the perpetrators soon-the President just called it an act of terrorism.  

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