Sunday, April 14, 2013

Just got done commenting on some Facebook posts; then deleted them, rather than post, because of the sarcasm.  Many has been the time that I wished that life had a Delete button.  Stating "I'm sorry" may assuage my conscience; but even though the wound caused by my words may heal, the scar will be there as long as life persists.  Better to think twice, and speak but once.  I praise my God who has said that He has removed my sins as far as the east is from the west-even though I may have trouble forgiving myself, I  know because God's Word is unchanging, that He forgives me.  
Actually, this post was going to be about trust-and I suppose that the above is a good example of that.  I must trust the Word of God-He has said that the blood sacrifice which Jesus made almost 2000 years ago as a perfect(without any spot or blemish) sacrificial lamb is adequate to satisfy the wrath of God, if only I will believe God.  We are all saved the same way-from the first believers, to the last unnamed ones-we believe God, and He counts it to us as righteousness-Abraham is the original Biblical example.  He believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.  And how did he display that belief?  By willingly obeying the command of God, and sacrificing his son, his ONLY son, Isaac, as instructed.
I realize that Ishmael was the firstborn, but he was NOT the child of the promise; he was the child of the handmaiden, not of  the wife.  As a son of Abraham, he was to receive a blessing as well, but not the birthright.  Jesus Christ(like unto Isaac, totally obedient to His Father), became heir to the birthright-and all believers, by imputation of the righteousness of Christ, become co-heirs with Jesus.
Does my defense of the faith even make sense to an unchurched  unbeliever who happens across this post?  I believe the message of the Gospel is straightforward enough that anyone can understand it if presented in their heart language, but is this post adequate?
How precious is our trust of another human being?  Multitudes are searching for another person to trust-but having given up on the spouse of their youth-they have divorced, remarried; possibly divorced and remarried again.  How can trust be developed between two people when betrayal is so easy?  And make no mistake, divorce is betrayal-it is akin to murder-it destroys a God-ordained union.  It would seem to me that our culture, by making divorce so easy has done a tremendous disservice to its citizenry.  What was once considered a virtue in human relationships, trust; has been cast aside due to the ease of obtaining a divorce.  Without trust, created in a marriage through daily living, relationships can be easily broken; and are.  And when marriages are broken, we see the results in the culture at large.  Multitudinous problems appear-and no solution seems to be available.  The tragedy is, once the breakdown has occurred, it seems to be irreparable.  With God, all things are possible-but without Him, as far as I  can see, our society cannot repair itself.

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