Tuesday, April 9, 2013

May have to rethink the purchase of Korean built automobiles-North Korea is telling all foreigners to get out of South Korea, or take cover.  This situation seems to be deteriorating rapidly-is this President Obama's Waterloo?  Even the best laid plans sometimes go awry-instead of getting us out of all the military incursions left by his predecessor, he may have to get us involved in more.  Like life itself, shit happens to Presidents as well.  We could just ignore the problem if there were no treaties between the U. S. and Japan and South Korea, but we gave up our isolationist policy a long time ago.  I never served in the military, so I cannot give that perspective; but I sure do hate to see American blood shed in a regional conflict.  I would prefer that China dealt with this situation, but who knows what the repercussions of their intervention might be.(Ouch, little black ant just stung me...)
Other big news of the day seems to be the student in Texas who has stabbed 14 people on a college campus.  This will do nothing to advance the cause of the anti-gun lobby.  Evidently, the perpetrator used a knife or pencil to attack his victims.  The point being, as has so often been stated is: guns don't kill people, people kill people; and evidently, they don't need to have a gun to do it!
I am fairly certain that the anti-evangelical lobby will never admit that the underlying problem is not guns, but, ultimately, the sin nature of mankind.  And we all sin, because that is what comes naturally to us.  God has provided a cure for all sin-Jesus Christ.  How do we get this message of salvation out to mankind?

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