Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gardener extraordinaire

     I come from a line of gardeners-at least, I think I do.  In one census, my great great grandfather listed his occupation as 'commercial gardener'.  So obviously, it must be in my genes?  
     I remember that my grandmother(granddaughter of said commercial gardener) did lots of stuff with plants-and it seems like she had lots of house plants.  And two of her daughters(my aunts) always seemed to have a lot of plants scattered around their houses.  Plus, my uncle(brother of said aunts) was big in the day lily world.  Even though he has been dead for several years, if you go online you can still find his patented day lilies for sale.  
     Unfortunately, my purported green thumb seems to actually be brown.  I either water plants too much or else try to wean them off of water entirely.  Most do not survive in our house too long.  I plant trees-after a year or two they become sticks.  My Colorado blue spruce lasted two winters-but it turned brown this spring.  Hybrid elm, which is supposed to be fast-growing, is now just making my life difficult when I have to mow around its lifeless stub.  
     Today, I decided to do some more work in the garden.  Got it mostly tilled(tiller was brand new last year)-then the tiller decided to die on me(like the plants)!  Refused to start again.  I pulled the starter cord one time too many and threw my back out.  Now, I am sitting in my recliner hoping the Tylenol does its magic.  Hopefully, my gardening is not over for any extended period of time.  I still have to mow almost 3 acres of lawn every week for the rest of the summer and it is early June.
     Oh, to emphasize my further ineptitude-I have a second tiller-one of those little ones that have the very high speed-it won't start-don't know what I have done to it.
     And my chainsaw-I have trees which need trimming-brush that needs to be cut up-won't start.
     And my new weed eater-same story.
     I also have an older pick-up truck-the only way I can keep the battery from running down is to unhook the battery cables every time I turn it off.  Replacement part plus repair will cost far more than the value of the truck.  
     It really doesn't make much difference whether the engine is old or new-it seems to develop health issues.  Just like my plants.  So, I am thinking that mayhaps; gardening skills and mechanical ability are related-but not necessarily transmitted through our genes.  Both have certainly bypassed me.

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