Sunday, June 23, 2013

Who is Jesus Christ?

     I just heard an awesome sermon on the topic of "Who is Jesus Christ"; I even got to be the opening act(I read the Scripture from Mark 8: 34-38 which was the text).
     Basically, our youth minister asked three question as related to the passage.  They were:
     1) Who do men(others) say that I(Jesus Christ) am?
     2) Who do you(listeners-in this instance, his disciples) say that I(Jesus Christ) am?
     3) Who do you(finger pointing at you) say that I(Jesus Christ) am?
     Men have a number of opinions as to who Jesus is.  Some say that He was John the Baptist; and some say that He was Elijah; and still others say that He was one of the prophets.
     Simon Peter stated that Jesus was the Christ.  The coming promised Messiah of God.
     But, here is the key question.  Who do YOU say that Jesus is?  Remember, even the demons believe that Jesus is the Christ of God, and fear.  But, He is NOT their Lord and Savior.  They know who He is, and from whence He came; but He is not THEIR Lord and Savior.  Knowing the facts about Jesus is not the same as knowing Him experientially.  They can fear Him and realize that there is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved; but they do not have the intimate knowledge of what God has done for them personally through the name of Jesus.  That is what each of us has to experience individually.  We are not saved because our parents were or because we go to a certain church.  We are saved because we KNOW Him-He is OUR Savior and Lord-it is personal.
     The thing is: only the Holy Spirit can open our minds-our souls, if you will.  Without His drawing us to God, we CANNOT come to Him on our own.  Only then can we actually experience what God is doing.  I believe that this is the reason that it is stated that we will shine like stars in the heavens-there are actually very few believers in contrast to all the people who have ever lived.  There will be many believers; but the percentage of all those who have ever lived who are believers is small.
     Anyway, it is who Jesus is to you-the Jesus you know through your own life experiences-what He has done in your own life that is important-not what you read or believe-but what you KNOW that matters.

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