Friday, June 7, 2013

Stupid Americans

     How stupid have Americans become?
     Seems like a fair question to me.  Just read a news article on Yahoo! concerning a rape in India.  Apparently, some American woman went to visit some friends; then at about 1:00 a.m. decided to return to wherever she was staying to spend the night.  She started walking, but then hitched a ride(I assume it was not in one of those pedicabs) with three men whom she did not know.  End result: she was raped.
     First question for me is, "Why was a lone woman out that late anywhere in the world-not just in India?"  Common sense dictates this is not a good idea.  No matter where you are, a woman by herself away from the confines of a safe haven after dark is not the best situation-no matter what the feminists would have you believe.  Not to say that a man by himself would not also entail certain risks.
     Where have we come up with this belief system that all people are basically good?  Mankind is evil-we are a fallen race, thanks to our first ancestors.  Sin is the lifestyle of unregenerate mankind-male and female.  We are basically an evil race, sometimes with a bent toward good; not a good race with a bent toward evil.
     Second, if these people were the friends of the woman, "Why did they allow her to set out for her room(hotel, whatever) by herself at 1:00 a.m.?  They were evidently locals-could they not persuade her to stay or offer her a ride home?  There must be more to this situation than the information which was reported in the media.  Kind of like the adage that 'friends don't let friends drive drunk'.  These friends should have been concerned about the welfare of their 'friend'.
     Third; "If you have any regard for your personal safety, why in the world do you climb into a vehicle with men you don't know?"  That is an invitation for trouble.  I would think that the woman in question is fortunate to be alive.
     In summary, why was the woman(I am not calling her a lady) out alone in a foreign country in the first place?  This was the root cause of her difficulty.  Whether she needed male protection(anti-feminist ranting here) or not-it would have been prudent to either go with friends or to refrain from traveling alone-so, I reiterate-"How stupid have Americans become?"

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