Saturday, May 4, 2013

An aimless rant on global warming/climate change.

     Ah, perhaps the rain has stopped for now.  God shows us how dependent we actually are on His mercies.  We really need to dry out a little bit, but we can go into drought mode so quickly.  I would so much prefer having too much water than not enough.  Nothing grows when you have a drought; at least grass grows when you have excess water.  And where I live flooding is not an issue, so too much water is preferred.  But why can't we just have the right amount of precipitation?  Why do we always have these extremes?
     Is global warming a reality?  The weather does indeed seem to have changed since I was a child, but I am still not certain that it is man-made climate change.  I suspect that one solar flare would cause more problems for our planet than all the carbon emissions which we have produced.  The same thing applies to volcanic eruptions and meteor strikes.  Both do far more damage to planet Earth than anything mankind can do.
     So, yes, I do believe that we can affect our planet-however, I suspect that factors beyond our control will have a much greater impact on our climate than anything that feeble little mankind can accomplish.  Experts can debate this issue but it is only opinions at the end of the day.  Evidence or statistics can be twisted and utilized to support so many conflicting theories that I do not believe this issue will ever be satisfactorily resolved for either side.

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