Saturday, May 11, 2013


     Feeling kind of insignificant tonight.  Often I just stop to think-look up at the heavens-and realize what a fly speck our big old planet actually is.  Then I look around me out here on the farmstead and see how small I actually am in relation to the world in which I live.  How much land would the entire human race occupy of the entire Earth?  What percentage could we inhabit and no one feel pinched for space?  I have a feeling that there is actually of room for a lot more people than live here at present.  In spite of what some think about the overpopulation of the earth by mankind.
     Then that leads me to question how much of an effect our presence has on our planet in the ultimate scheme of things.  Do our polluting habits, which are of such concern to environmentalists actually amount to ever the proverbial hill of beans?  I am certain that a natural disaster such as giant sun spots or collision with a heavenly body-even a volcanic eruption  would have a much bigger effect on our planet than anything we can do.  And probably our planet has a certain amount of self-healing built into it.  No matter how much damage we do, I think that the planet can heal itself-and in probably less time than most would believe.
     Plus, assuming an Almighty God-He had to know what condition our planet would be in at this very moment in time.  If He did not know, then He is not Almighty, and therefore he would not be worthy of our worship.  Perhaps fear, because his power would still be enormous; but not worship.  And He indicates in the Bible that He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent-so as this is the only record He has given us of Himself, then it would behoove us to study His word and learn as much as we can about His revelation of Himself to mankind.
     The only thing that gives me any significance is Jesus Christ.  He, as the only begotten-the very Son of God, was willing to die for me, that I might have eternal life.  And His life and death can give my life significance and meaning.  Without Him, I am nothing-but with Him, my life, and that of each human becomes precious.  The down side of this is that even though precious, if we reject God, through His Son Jesus Christ,  then He has not given us any other name under heaven by which man may be forgiven.  So if one DOES NOT accept Jesus as Lord and Savior(a one time decision that each of us must individually reach), then God has provided us with no other alternative.
     So my counsel to all would be:  Make certain that your salvation is secure.  Do not rely on anything besides Christ alone-not a specific church or some person-make your decision for Jesus today, for no one is guaranteed tomorrow.

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