Sunday, May 5, 2013

Free will.  I don't know if I have ever heard a sermon about this topic; and I realize it is a difficult subject to deal with.  It is, I suppose, both a cross denominational and interdenominational issue.
I believe that John 3:16 is used as a key verse in support of free will.  It is stated that "...whosoever believeth shall not perish..." in the KJV.
But what does the term actually mean?  Do we have merely an appearance of free will?  I do know that we are compared to the pot that the potter molds on the wheel-it is displeasing to him so he destroys it and remakes it as it pleases him in the image he has in mind for it.
We make minute decisions every second of our lives, so in that sense, we have to have a free will.  But do you have control over your body as to whether your heart will beat its next beat or your lungs will breathe the next breath of air?  I don't-my body is programmed to do these things which are essential to its continued existence independently of my wishes.  So from that perspective, I have no free will.  It was programmed into my body when it came into being that my heart would beat and that my lungs would breathe.
Thoughts go through my mind, but from whence do they actually come?  I can formulate some of them, but many of them appear without my actually willing them into being.

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