Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mower is better?

     Just yesterday I needed to mow again.  There was a time when I enjoyed mowing-then I got old.  Don't get me wrong-I still like to see a neatly coiffed landscape.  However, I no longer have the energy I had when I was 20-or 30-or even forty or fifty.  Using the push mower to trim about wears me out because my strength has decreased.  Sitting on the riding mower is no picnic either.
     I suppose that the big problem is the size of the yard.  My lawn in town is approximately 1 acre in size-which is more than adequate.  However, my country lawn is well over 1 acre-possibly approaching 2 acres.  And I still mow both of them.
     And the new one is so rough.  Eventually I hope to get it smoothed out somewhat, but we have not yet had a good lawn growing season out here in the country.  And I really hate to actually use boughten water to get the grass to grow.  So I been hoping for a good growing season-maybe this year.
     Another problem is actually getting the mower from one site to the other.  I have not purchased a trailer, so I have to load the mower on the back of the pickup and haul it back and forth between lawns.  And the pickup is old and has issues-like every time I run the pickup the battery runs down due to an expensive electrical problem.  Not to mention the rider.  It has electrical problems also-and it is only 2 years old.
     The logical solution would be to sell the one house, but easier said than done.  Then we could just let the grass grow out in the country.  No laws about weed control out there.
     The other issue is the cost of gasoline...and the cost to the environment of carbon emissions.  So being green, I suppose I should rebel and refuse to mow both lawns.  Course, that would get me in trouble with both the law, the wife, and the neighbors.  What to do?  I suspect I will continue to mow both lawns until such a time as I get rid of one house.

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