Tuesday, May 21, 2013

O, when the saints...

     The loss of my mother in January seems to have been the harbinger of a very difficult 2013.  Since then my world has lost Catherine Fouts, Marvel Brown, Edgar Moore, Donnie Poor, Dwight Evans, Patsy Evans, Doc Russell, Aunt Betty...
     All of these people had an impact on my life or on the lives of friends and family.  So many were members of my church; and although most were no longer active, their loss does affect our body of believers.
     It seems that we are having a parade of the saints of God entering heaven.  God is giving each of them a special moment of recognition as He calls them home.
     These had lives well lived, but their departure is not noted by our culture.  God knows them even if their life is neither little noted nor long remembered by America.  These are the ones whom history ignores-but they impact our world for the better: one encounter at a time.  Life is really about these folks and the lives they live, rather than the rich and famous.

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