Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Glorifying God

     How do I even talk about this subject?  Moses lived a life, at least the last 40 years of a lifespan of 120 years, becoming the humblest servant of an Almighty God that he could be.  Oh, to attain to such humility!  To be open to every desire of God for my own life.  To be used as He sees fit-each and every event, every second, to be so attuned to God, that I would always be getting the utmost out of that moment.
     I have wasted way too many years doing my own thing.  What could God have accomplished for His kingdom work with a servant who was fully obedient to His wishes?  I had a friend who lost his life recently-but he lived life well.  Helped others; responded to needs that he saw in the world around him.  And had lots of fun doing it.
     It would seem that the one who gives his life most completely to God lives the most exciting, fulfilled life.  Not the politician or the millionaire/billionaire who seek their own glory or comfort in the few short years they will walk this earth.  All of our human actions outside of God are vanity; a chasing after the wind.
     Jesus lived a purposeful life.  Totally yielded to the will of God, yet, working toward a specific goal.  O, to submit every thought, every action to God-to give it all up to Him.  All of my life-to be able to glorify Him through every ache and pain, every second of every day.  Humanly, completely impossible.  Sins of omission.  To my eyes, worse than sins of commission.  God can use actions for His purposes.  Lukewarmness or inaction are a waste of the time we have been granted on this world-God has said He will spew those individuals out of his mouth who are lukewarm.  That is a horrible fate for a sentient being!
      So many; multitudes, live each day, totally oblivious to eternity.  Yet, I stand on the brink of eternity-my life is only a wisp of smoke.  I am here today; tomorrow the world I have inhabited will not miss me-I am so insignificant in the whole scheme of things.  Yet, at the same time...God sent His son to die for ME.  What an awesome thought.  How can my petty mind even wrap itself around this?  Oh, to able to glorify the living God each and every day.  The beauty of it all is, when I fail today, God has so far given me a tomorrow to do better-but that is guaranteed to no one, so I need to make the most of each one with which I am blessed.

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